Doggies who successfuly passed the Bronze exam last weekend.
Check out Rachel and The Ferret at the back!
(you can click on the picture to see full size) |
Last weekend our little Lucy The Ferret passed her Canine Good Citizen Bronze AND Silver exams!
Again, first greyhound in NZ to get these certificates :)
We did not enter Louie this time as he does not seem to particularly enjoy some aspects of Bronze and Silver - but Lucy LOVES it all :)
More on the exams and the 'Canine Good Citizen' (CGC) programme below:
Since the 1950s, Dog Obedience Clubs have been at the forefront of dog training throughout the country. Clubs provide basic Domestic Dog training classes for responsible dog owners. They teach the owner how to train the dog while showing people how to ensure their dog becomes a great lifetime companion.
'Canine Good Citizen' goes a step further. Dogs are trained and then tested in simulated everyday situations in a relaxed atmosphere. Dogs and their owners are identified and rewarded for the training and demeanour to be reliable family members. Canine Good Citizen ensures that dog can be a respected member of the community because the dog is trained to be well mannered at home, in public, and around other dogs.
Testing requires an assessment by a recognised New Zealand Kennel Club Assessor.
Exam details:
Canine Good Citizen Foundation Exam
1. Appearance, handling and responsibility
a. Responsibility and care
b. Public cleanliness and identification
c. Examination of the dog by handler
d. Grooming and inspection of the dog by the assessor
2. Food manners
a. Person eating
b. Dog eating
3. Accepting a friendly stranger
4. Accepting being patted by a friendly stranger
5. Walk on lead through a door/gate in a controlled manner
6. Return/recall to handler
7. Walk on lead
8. Controlled walk through people and distractions
a. Pedestrian traffic
b. Distractions
9. Stay tied on lead
10. Meeting a stranger and their dog
11. Supervised separation
12. Playing with the dog
Canine Good Citizen – Bronze Exam
13. Responsibility and care
14. Food manners
15. Stay in one place (untied, handler in sight)
16. Stay tied on lead (handler out of sight)
17. Staying still and return to handler
18. Stationary vehicle control
a. Into a vehicle
b. Out of a vehicle
19. Control at steps
20. Walk on lead and reaction to distractions in a public area
a. Walk on lead
b. Distractions
Canine Good Citizen – Silver Exam
21. Responsibility and care
22. Examination of the dog by a stranger (handler at a distance)
23. Stay in a down position (untied, handler out of sight)
24. Return/recall to handler (with distractions)
25. Stop the dog (dog offlead, stop on command when asked)
26. Advanced vehicle control
a. Into a vehicle
b. Vehicle is moving
c. Out of a vehicle
27. Staying still and return to handler in a public area
28. Calm and controlled behaviour whilst in a busy public area
a. Walking
b. Staying in one area (untied)
c. Accept being touched by a stranger
We strongly suggest to greyhound owners to enroll their dog in CGC course in their local dog club -they LOVE the classes and excell in them.
As greyhounds are so well handled and not agressive -they are stars in these classes and wonderful example to other dogs and their owners. Don't forget - for example, many pet dogs of all breeds will NOT allow a stranger to go and examine their teeth and their ears (in CGC classes, there are quite a few dogs , who have been pets since they were pups, who snap and growl when a friendly stranger tries to examine them (needless to say, for an ex-racer, this is a non-event).
We often take greyhound's placid nature and complete lack of agression to ANY human, stranger or not, as granted - I think we should show it off! What better way to promote the breed than to show off at Canine Good Citizen class?
To find out which clubs offer the course, as well as to find out more details, please go to NZ Kennel Club website:
NZ Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen webpage (click here to open in a new window)
Lucy doing 'stay and recall' at the exam |