Update from Blue (Major Hit)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Blue and his sister Lili
Handsome Blue (Major Hit) now lives in Auckland with Gitti, Shadie, Lili The Chihuahua and Luca The Bichon Friese.
Gitti just sent us this lovely update:

Our beautiful Blue has settled in really well. He is a lovely boy. When he just arrived there was a little bit of ranking issues in our pack -but not because of him! His new sister, Lili The Chihuahua,  wasn't going to take Blue's size into account and constantly told him who the top dog was around here! So, Blue has joined Luca,  the other boy in the house (nine years old Bichon Frise),  and given the little madam what she demands - top dog position! So all is well now :)

 Blue loves all his three beds in different parts of the house, he loves his soft Hippo toy, and any other soft toy that he can carry to his bed quick enough before Lili takes it off him. Blue enjoys weekend trips to the beach with Lili, Luca and his other doggy friends: Oscar the (Saint Bernard), Poppy (Dalmatian) and Dinky (miniature pinscher).  Blue also loves meeting up with his other greyhound friends once in a while, at p runs and walks. We've only had Blue with us since February this year but he is already a very much loved member of the family.
Gitti has put more pictures of the whole family on her blog too, here is the link:
Beautiful Blue
With Shadie
At the beach
With friends