Lisa and Nick East (along with their hounds DB and Buddy) have kindly offered their house and paddocks in Kaukapakapa for a November get-together.
Lisa sent me a a blurb about the walk, and some pictures, below (Thanks Lisa!):
(you can click on the pictures for full size)Despite the weather not looking too good in the morning, we had an excellent turnout - about 32 people and approximately 22 dogs I think at last count - but then its difficult to count them when they're running around!
The weather managed to hold out for us until we were halfway back to the house. It started drizzling at first, then got heavier until as the last of us stragglers got to the gate of our property, the heavens opened and there were wet dogs and wet people. Nothing that a good towelling off for the dogs, and a nice hot cup of coffee or tea and cake & biscuits, couldn't fix though!
Around 16 Gappers stayed on for the BBQ, with the last leaving us around 4:00pm. I don't know about everyone else, but I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to really have a good chat with everyone and not be having everyone rush off as soon as the walk is over. I feel like I've got to know some of you a bit better now and hopefully you got to know Nick and myself a bit better.
A few of you commented on how much you enjoyed the day, despite getting a good soaking! I can assure you that we'll be trying to organise a similar day when the weather gets warmer and summer is here & hopefully when the weather will be more reliable! I think the dogs certainly enjoyed zooming around the garden before we even got started on our walk. Perhaps that explains why when we eventually got to the farm paddock, that they really didn't seem all that keen on running around - but I guess it was a good walk to just get there!

I've got a few things going on in the background that I'm trying to work out. I am in touch with Animates Silverdale, as Leslie Mathews, the Store Manager, is keen to host GAP in their store. A big "thank-you" to Linda Nash for sussing this out for us and letting me know. Once I've worked out dates & details with Leslie, I will be asking for volunteers to help out on the day by bringing their well-behaved Greyhounds to meet & greet Animates customers.
I'm also in correspondence with Rodney District Council & their Animal Control/Bylaws Manager, to try and organise having a stall and/or display stand somewhere near to the Matakana Markets. As Matakana Markets don't allow dogs into the Market area, our only option is if we can get RDC to allow us to use the berm or pavement areas outside some of the shops etc. Again, once I have thing sorted out (she says confidently!!), I'll be asking for volunteers to help.
And a heads up to you all that GAP will be running a stall at the Helensville A&P Show, on Saturday 27th February 2010. We will be looking again for people to help man the stall and also to bring their dogs in to meet & greet the public and basically wander around the Show with their vests on etc. This will be a really good opportunity (especially for the Rodney District area) to get the word out about GAP Greyhounds.
That's all for now folks!
Lisa East