Sunday, January 31, 2010
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Foster dogs

I was just going through my pictures and found some gorgeous ones of our foster greyhound Oscar (also known as Foscar, Fosks, Osks, Oskie and Foskie). We took him back to GAP kennels as he does not need fostering any more(he is just a perfect boy!) and we have another lovely foster greyhound (Skye).
But Foskie Oskie is just special, he was a delight to have in the house. We miss his little face and his own patented 'fosking' behavior.
(fosking - looking for cuddles by putting your long nose in the armpit of the target person, and holding it there for as long as it takes. Fosking can be implemented by putting your head in target person's lap and humming gently, looking for an ear scratch. Sometimes, when you REALLY need a cuddle you might want to implement advanced fosking - rubbing your long nose and head on target person's ears, shoulder, and neck. Advanced fosking usually produces cuddles, although it does take more energy than regular fosking)
We hope Fosks finds a great home. Here are some more of his cute pictures: