Wednesday, January 13, 2010
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Yes, the inevitable has happened and Louie has fallen in love with one of our foster greyhounds (so did we btw!).
Her name is Lucy, and she is only a puppy, 1.5 years old. Louie has taken her under his wing from day one :-)
Initially we wanted to change her name as it was too similar to Louie's , but we found ourselves sticking with "Lucy" as she seems to know her name, and luckily her and Louie seem to be able to make a distinction between their names...
Lucy has never been raced (did not want to chase apparently, and also has a dropped gracillus muscle) but she is very fast, zooming around the rugby field and nearby park at top speed. Her father was Fashion Thief, mother was Petrina Bale. A lovely Brian Goldsack from Wanganui gave her to GAP programme.
Lucy is very small and skinny, just 24kg, so we need to put some weight on her. Other than this - she is very clever, has learned so many things (including recall !) .
She has been with us form 2 weeks now, and we have just officially adopted her! :-)
These are the pictures of her with Rachel, taken today, when Rachel invited her to come onto the couch for the first time. BTW- we will make this pink couch Lucy's (Louie has one too! :-)

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