Sunday, October 11, 2009
Posted in
Beka's Rose
Charlie Flash
charlston state
Homebush Squirt
Maxi The Taxi
Skipper Star
Snip's Soldier
Waikika Pirate

(you can click on pictures for full size)
Robyn kindly invited all the Gappers for a run in her paddock in Otaki - we had 20-ish doggies there and they had a hell of a run (which, predictably, lasted for 5 minutes :-))) Sorry for the lack of action pics - by the time i got my camera out the gallop was pretty much over!
Thw weather was lovely and the dogs just loved it!
Maxi The Taxi did not feel like participating in the group picture - he wanted his own one :-) :

Robyn with Jazz (Homebush Squirt), Louie (Charlston State) and Jazz's owners:

One of the few action shots:

Anything to cool down - Romy (Skipper Star) and Jake (Waikika Pirate):

Handsome Charlie (Charlie Flash) in front:

Mummy's gorgeous boy (Louie, of course :-)):

Hugo (Snip's Soldier) looking handsome:

Eliza (Beka's Rose) with her human :-) :

Jake (Waikika Pirate) and his human :-)

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