Monday, March 29, 2010
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charlston state
Foster dogs

We just got the cutest new foster greyhound: a 9 year old little Leah :-) She arrived yesterday and has already sussed the house out, and found the comfiest bed!
She is very small: we weighed her yesterday and she is only 22.5 kg! She is smaller than even Lucy! Leah might gain a kilo or two yet, but she is a truly small girl.
She has raced years ago, but has been a pet for a while now (non-GAP greyhound). Leah has been very much loved in her previous home, where she lived with kids and a cat. Leah came to GAP as her owners had to rehome her due to health reasons though ...
Leah is just so well behaved, lovely girl, perfect in the house. She loves Louie and Lucy and keeps swapping beds with them :-)
She is very very affectionate, looks for attention and cuddles :-) She would be so happy to lie at your feet all day, as well as to go out and expore!!!!
Leah LOVES being inside (according to her previous owners, and we noticed it too). SHe goes out to toilet, sniffs around, has a quick spin around the garden and is back inside within a few minutes! In her previous home, she was left in the house when her owners went to work. She is happy to be on her own , loves her sleeps and rest, but needs a home where she will be in the house most of the day (not left outside -in the garage or similar shelter - for longer periods). But - she would have no trouble fitting through a dog door, being so small ! LOL

Leah has got truly amazing ears, which make her look like a dingo :-)
Check them out:

We took Leah to the park with Louie and Lucy, she really loves getting out and about. She is very fit for her age, she gets really excited when walkies time comes!
On the picture below: Louie (Charlston State) on the left, Leah in the middle and Lucy on the right

Leah in the park with Louie: (Leah is the one with EARS!)

Leah (on the right) with Lucy :-)

With Louie (Leah is lying down):

Louie (on the left) and Leah sunbathing in the conservatory: