Saturday, March 27, 2010
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Handsome blue boy Spider (Hatipov) was adopted by Betty and Don Lever from Titirangi (Auckland) last month and we just got an update and photos :-)
Spider was trained by Canterbury trainer John Goode, who entered him in the GAP programme after he finished racing.
Spider's new Mum and Dad, Betty and Don, write:
We have now had Spider for five weeks and as promised we are sending you some photos. Spider is settling in to his new home beautifully, still a little cautious at times ... has lovely long walks each day and is in love with our cats. We are very excited because Spider has had his first bark tonight!
He sleeps in his own bed all night but in the morning he has a cuddle in our bed. He is very gentle with our grandaughter Georgina :-) Very special, lovely boy!
Below: Spider and Georgina :-)
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