Saturday, March 20, 2010
Posted in
charlston state
Clan Mary Lou
Dynamic Keroma
Fantasy Shifter
Gold Amore
Uncle Denis
Wild Gunnadoo
Work Release

We just finished participating in Manawatu Field Days in Feilding - it was a great fun and lasted for 3 days! Organizers say there were thousands of people there - we talked to so many of them and introduced them to our hounds.
We had a great attendance, many volunteers and their gorgeous hounds came to help (but they are not all in the pictures:I forgot my camera two days in a row (I am not a morning person!) so took pictures only today, on the last day...). Everybody was so well behaved, as usual! We got so many positive comments, and hounds got SO many pats and cuddles from everybody ! :-)
Pictures below :-)
GAP marquee and stand:

Gail with her girls Nelly (Clan Mary Lou) and Zoe (Fantasy Shifter):

Graeme and Tina (Wild Gunnadoo):

Lucy and Malcolm (Work Release) shared a bed :-)

My beautiful Louie (Charlston State) with Tina (Wild Gunnadoo)

Billy (Dynamic Keroma) was as cute as always (check out his tongue on the picture below): :-)

More posing from Billy: :-)

Lucy at what she does best :-)

Malcolm: "PR work is hard! A hound needs his sleep"

Cynthia's cute foster greyhound Denis (Uncle Denis) made some new friends:

And then fell asleep!

More cute "Uncle Denis":

And last but not least, Gail's gorgeous boy Teddy (Gold Amore):

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