Thursday, August 20, 2009
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Top Deal

Brodie ( racing name: Top Deal) and Sinead from Auckland.
(left: Nicola, Brodie and Sinead)
Sinead's Mum Heather says:
About 18 months ago some friends/neighbours invited us to a "Family Day" at the greyhound racing track at Manukau. Well done to the organisers - it was a great event!
My daughter,(who is now 17) was curious as to what happened to the dogs after they finished racing. She tracked down the GAP website. Damn the web!!! :-)
She pestered us to let her adopt a dog. No way we said! We already have two Aussie Shepherds and a variety of other critters, including 2 cats.
I owned a Border Collie & Sheltie prior to my two current dogs, done heaps of obedience & agility and I told Sinead, "I don't do hounds". Hah!

Sinead had unexpectedly been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a couple of years earlier. Anyone that is familiar with this disease in young people knows how hideous it is. Constantly pricking your finger to test your blood sugars, injecting yourself and feeling like crap.Brodie has been a god send. Sinead now has a reason to get out of bed when she's feeling flat, he keeps her fit and he's been a great shoulder for her to cry on, literally.I often find her having a real heart to heart with him, brings tears to my eyes.He has been a dream to welcome into our house. I now "Do Hounds" Lol.
Our youngest daughter Nicola, 14, has just pushed the boundaries also and saved up (well mostly) and purchased a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Now I "Do Terriers" as well, well one of them.Thanks to the kids we have 4 dogs in our house, Brodie and the Staffy are joined at the hip, they play like best buddies and have us in stitches. Slight difference in size as you can imagine.If I seem vague on the next walk it's because our once organised quiet household has become a flipping circus! Lol.I even bought lots of Berocca today.I just hope if the kids ever go flatting I get to keep their dogs, Brodie is very special and such a good hound.
Brodie was also featured in the local papers in March this year. You can see the article here:

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