Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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charlston kid
charlston state
Flying Squadron
Thrilling Delta

A few of us went for a walk last Sunday, and I chose Muriwai beach:-( Not good - the beach is full of 4WDs zooming around the place :-( It has no road rules to speak of and it is in fact classed as a highway (I never knew this -but Harry's mother Sara said that was the case!!! :-(
We could not really relax as we were worried about 4wds speeding around the beach, but the hounds managed to get some great runs, including chasing the kite (Rosie and Cruzer)! (check out the picture on the left :-))
We could not really relax as we were worried about 4wds speeding around the beach, but the hounds managed to get some great runs, including chasing the kite (Rosie and Cruzer)! (check out the picture on the left :-))
Irene’s Delta (who has lost LOTS of weight) took flight and chased a quad bike, all the way to the carpark!
Delta (Thrilling Delta) used to be a good racer, and we suspect she used to be trained using a quad bike -something to look out for when getting a new hound! I think it is great to contact the trainer and get the background on how the hound was trained and his/her particular quirks :-) Delta was a good girl and stopped when the quad bike did - but boy, i have never seen anything running so fast! (and she is 6!!! :-) Once a champion -always a champion!
We were also joined by Dallas, Jonathan and their standard poodle Sterling - they are currently waiting for a hound of their own. Sterling gets on so well with the hounds, and he tells us he can't wait!

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