Sunday, August 5, 2012
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Foster dogs
Mint Octane
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Relaxing :) |
We just got this lovely update from Lynne and Robert, who adopted gorgeous Nimrod (nee Lucky - Mint Octane):
Thought you might like to see a few photos of our new boy to show how he's settled in! He's a lovely dog, and seems to be adjusting really well. Nothing seems to phase him. He and Josh (our Newfoundlander) are reacting to each other as if they had been friends since they were puppies! He is eating well, finishing everything that is in his bowl. :)
When people stop and ask about our two dogs, what kind they are,
what do they eat, how much, etc, we usually say they are both
greyhounds, Josh only has his winter coat on!
Our vet from Whangarei and his partner (who are interested in adopting a greyhound) were in Auckland two weeks ago (so were we, having just returned from GAP Sanson). They phoned to see if they could come and meet Nimrod - they think he's very handsome.
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Josh The Newfy and Nimrod :) OMG so funny, look at the difference! |
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Josh :) |
Thank you for all your help and advice during the adoption process. We are really enjoying him - he's so affectionate and happy.( I really did want to call him Nimrod so we've been calling him "Nimmy" just to get his attention. I know it doesn't sound anything like "Lucky" but it does end in "ee" and it's really the tone of the voice that commands their attention.)
I will send a note and some photos to his trainers, Pam and Denis Schofield, in the next few days too.
For those interested : Nimrod was in fact a Biblical figure -- the great-grandson of Noah. He was a haughty king who declared himself a "mighty one in the earth," founded the great city of Babylon, and presided over the construction of the mythical Tower of Babel. Nimrod was also a renowned hunter, though at least one source we found claimed his game of choice was not animals but men, whom he would enslave upon capture. Whatever his prey, his name became synonymous with a skilled hunter. :)
Beautiful Lucky (or should I say Nimrod)! So glad to see him happy in his new home - my partner and I fostered Lucky for a couple of months late last year and have been following his progress on the GAP site waiting to see who would be lucky enough to adopt him. He looks very happy indeed - enjoy him!
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