Tuesday, June 8, 2010
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charlston state
Foster dogs
Winsome Deluxe
He arrived at 5pm today, and after exploring the garden and the lounge, making friends with Louie and Lucy, wolfing down his dinner, and having a pigs ear treat, he has found the comfiest bed in front of the gas heater!!! :-)
This boy is fresh out of the kennels (he was entered into GAP programme by the lovely Ben Craik from Auckland), but he took no time in getting into this pet business! :-) He has ventured out of his crate (which is in our lounge) almost immediately, and went exploring the room :-)
He was watching TV for at least an hour - the "Living Channel" to be precise! He was fascinated by it, and sniffed the TV all over, trying to figure it out. Eventually, he realized that the thing was quite interestitng really, so he spent an hour watching it :-)
Now, he is snoozing after such an exciting afternoon! :-)
I just found out (by looking at Stooge's and his brother's Guy's pedigree) that their Mum Chloe (Rhani Reason) is also a GAP greyhound and currently living in Kapiti :-) Here is her picture, she has the same coloring as Stooge:

Update: and the day after, we took Stooge for a walk to our local park, with Louie (Charlston State), Lucy, Beryl (Winsome Deluxe) and Frankie. Stooge is SO well behaved, and he had a lovely time :-) And it was so cool seeing Stooge and Beryl together as they are virtually mirror images of each other :-)
(Thanks Sue for the gorgeous video montage!) If you double-click on the video below, it will play in YouTube, in slightly bigger window:
Update 11/07/2010:
Stooge is a real foodie :-) He had a HUGE canon bone today -he spent almost an hour chewing it - see pics below:

Update 16/06/2010:
Stooge had a big run today - so is currently relaxing with Louie :-)
Update 19/06/2010:
We took dogs to the beach today - they had such fun! Stooge was such a good boy - he recalled to us perfectly, despite the fact he has been with us for just 10 days! He loves the water, and had great time running around with Louie and Lucy, and a Labrador friend he made there :-)
Stooge, Lucy and Louie with Rachel:
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