Monday, June 28, 2010
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Thunder L'Amore

We just got an update on Brindy (Thunder L'Amore) from his new parents Ursula and Tony. They say:
Here are just a couple of pictures of Brindy settled in, as you can see he has two favourite spots: his couch outside in the sun and his bed by the fire. We have to drag him away from the fire sometimes as he gets to hot and needs a drink. As soon as the fire is lit we know where to find him, thats if hes not lying on the floor outside the kitchen supervising us cooking dinner.
He loves his soft toys - he has three big teddies and a couple of smaller ones, that he's pinched out of the toy bag. Thats ok though, we were going to slowly bring one more toy out as one gets old but soon after getting him we realised he would rather a big selection all at once... he loves to carry his toys around the house and show them off to any new people that walk in the door...
He's a great dog!!!! Brindy gets on so well with Nipper (mums dog). They gallop around the back yard and play chase, and tease one another with the toys its so funny to watch, Nipper runs under and between Brindys legs and Brindy doesn't mind one bit.
Brindy is so well behaved up the horse padock its almost as if he thinks the horses are his own kind. He loves lying around my horses feet and spreads out over the horse covers in the sun! I caught him with his head in the food bowl helping Snoopy (my horse) finish his feed, or as Brindy put it "just washing the bowl" making it easier for me.
He's wonderful, we love him to bits, our house wouldn't be the same without him now!

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