Friday, May 14, 2010
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Twirly Berly

Above: Glamour girl Berlin :-)
Ashley Bradshaw works for Gary Cleeve, a Canterbury greyhound trainer who is also a great supporter of GAP. And now -she also has a greyhound blog!!!!!!!!
A while ago, she adopted retired greyhounds from Gary: Berlin and Spider, who are now living in luxury at Ashley's place and are great Greyhound As Pets supporters, helping to find homes for other retired racers.
Berlin's littermates George ( Chile Command), Flynn (Crafty Flynn) , Swift (Know When), Chloe (Persuasion), have all been given to GAP and now are happily living in their retirement homes. :-)
Berlin recently came into to season and Ashley decided to try her hand at whelping, rearing and racing a litter of her own puppies. :-)
She has started a blog, where she will make regular posts on how things are going so that people that own retired greyhounds can see what it took to get their greys to the track and to become pets.
I have already registered to follow Ashley's blog, link is here:
I cant resist posting these pictures Ashley sent me -it is her and Berlin winning the look-alike contest at the Bark In The Park recently :-) (Ashley had actually died her hair pinbk for the occassion!)
LOVE the wig!!!!!!!!! I need one for Lucy!

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