Wednesday, May 12, 2010
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Iteru Kefa
Top Deal

Melissa and her family (from Auckland) applied to foster GAP greyhounds and on Thursday 29 April this year, they got their first one: a small female greyhound Bonnie (Iteru Kefa).
Three days later Melissa had fallen in love with her and could not stand the thought of her leaving (this might sound familiar to many of us 'failed' foster carers ! :-)
Melissa and family officially adopted Bonnie the following Monday.
Melissa says:
Bonnie is such a lovely girl and she has settled beautifully into her pet life and new home. She is very much a routine girl (which fits in well here, as so are we)! At night time she stands on her duvet cover and enjoys me dragging her to our bedroom, which is where she is sleeping so well throughout the night. She happily waits on her duvet in the morning until my husband and I are ready to get up or until we call her to us. She is even more gorgeous in the morning, so happy to say 'morning' as she licks us.
She seems to love my husband Tony and son Samuel, but me being Mum I seem to be the favourite, I get followed round the house all day and am loving the company of our new darling.
She loves to sprint in the back section doing about 6 laps at a time then runs inside and lies on her bed again!
Bonnie has enjoyed a cafe in Ponsonby and going to soccer on Saturday mornings, and regular walkies, all the new things around her don't seem to bother her, she is interested to take it all in.
We are so grateful we have adopted such a sweet Greyhound and am sure she is going to give us years of special times and memories :). Thanks Irene and Sonja!

Bonnie has also gone for a playdate with Brodie (Top Deal) and his family :-)

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