Today's velodrome walk :-)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Today we managed to escape the rain and take the hounds and Frankie to Timona park and the velodrome. We took some cute photos too :-)
On the photo above, the team all lined up: Beryl (Winsome Deluxe), our gorgeous foster boy Tyson (Canya See Me) , Frankie The Greyhound Magnet, Lucy and Louie (Charlston State) in the far back begging for treats from Sue :-)

Below: Beryl, Tyson and Rachel

Below: Tyson with his Auntie Rachel :-)

Beryl, despite the fact she has been a pet for relatively short time, is amazingly trained and knows many tricks. On the picture below, she is about to 'shake hands' with her Mum Sue -i have of course missed that perfect shot :-(

Check Beryl out :

Frankie is also known as 'a greyhound magnet':
Below: with Lucy and Beryl:

Tyson joins in :-)

Lucy and Frankie often nip each other's ears, legs and tails in play: :-)

Going home :-)