Opal and George :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Yesterday we took our foster greyhounds Opal and George, together with Lucy, for a run at our friend's lifestyle block.
Louie could not come along as he has pulled one of his muscles and has to rest - so we only had this trio:
Lucy, George and Opal. It was a hot day, and this picture was taken after the 'run'
they had in a paddock-'the run' lasted maybe a minute! After that -it was all about  mooching around
and relaxing in the shade :)

Opal and George

Opal with Anne
Cute George
Opal in a shady spot she found :)
Lucy: Where did those foster dogs go?

I guess they'll be fine, I am going to have a nap...
Opal with Anne and Rachel