Me with my gorgeous greyhounds |
Today I was horribly upset to discover that someone has been spreading terrible rumours about me and Greyhounds as Pets (GAP).
Although up until now I have said nothing on this subject, since others are using my silence to make horrible allegations, I wanted to come and tell my side.
First of all, I love greyhounds. I fully support the racing industry. Many of my best and closest friends are trainers, and they have supported me through this hard time. I have planned, and still plan, to own my own racing dog soon, and maybe one day train my own dogs myself.
I love to watch the dogs race. I love going to the track, and I love the wonderful people in this industry.
Second of all, I have always been an ardent supporter of GAP - as a retirement programme for greyhounds, established and funded by the racing industry themselves. As many of you know, I have given both time and money in support of GAP, and together with my long suffering flatmate, have fostered nearly 200 GAP dogs on their way from racing into pet life.
I have NOT resigned from GAP.
Last Thursday, the Director of GAP, Jacqui Eyley, called me. With no warning, she informed me that GAP did not require my services any more.
Obviously I was completely flabbergasted, and extremely upset. I am still extremely upset. However, I did not resign from GAP. I did not walk away from the dogs. I would never walk away from the dogs.
According to Jacqui, GAP does not want or need me. (This has no bearing on individual staff or owners or volunteers, many of whom are my close personal friends and have stood by me throughout this terrible time. You know who you are and how much I value you!!) So despite how much I love GAP, and how much it hurts me to take a step back, I have been forced to send the Director the following email:
I was surpised to receive your phonecall this morning in which you informed me that my services were no longer required by GAP.
In accordance with your wishes, I will no longer:
Foster GAP greyhounds
Provide training and socialization for GAP dogs
Procure martingale collar supplies
Procure/donate/suggest items for sale in the GAP shop
Publicise GAP dogs available for adoption on my blog
Arrange transport for GAP dogs
Transport dogs myself
Assist at the Sanson kennels when Kennel Managers require help
Contact new GAP owners for dog updates
Respond to queries from new and old GAP owners
Take part in GAP promotional events with my greyhounds
Organize videos and photoshoots of dogs
Note that Rachel Rae will no longer assist with the website
(I forgot one more item in this email: I will no longer put up the GAP ads on Trademe and Pets On The Net. I have been doing this for 3 years for free and paid for all ads myself).
So this is the truth, my friends. Jacqui has effectively forced me to step back from GAP and from the dogs.
If you have also heard the horrible, upsetting rumours, I hope you will tell anyone spreading such things that they are not true. I'm very very sad at this outcome. But my love of the dogs has not diminshed, and I am still here to help in any way I can.
I hope that you will all still keep in touch, and keep on sending me photos and stories of your lovely dogs, which I will continue to post on this blog (my email:
favdich@yahoo.co.nz ).
Thank you so much for being here for me at this time. It means more to me than you will ever know.
UPDATE , August 2014: After lots of research I now know why Ms. Eyley fired me - she was scared of me exposing her own corruption. Please read my post from May 2014 , for all details and the proof:
http://greyhoundsnz.blogspot.co.nz/2014/05/a-long-avaited-blog-post-please-share.html(this post is a bit long, but I prmise it is very interesting, if you are a retired/racing greyhound owner in New Zealand).