Monday, February 15, 2010
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Foster dogs
Thrilling Fleur
A few pictures of our new foster greyhound Fleur :-)
She arrived on Thursday last week and has already made herself at home !
We call her The Blonde - she is very pretty and a typical blonde :-) Her racing name was "Thrilling Fleur" but it should have been "Playboy Bunny" :-)
She LOVES her toys, she keeps rearranging them between beds in the lounge , and her crate. She spends quite a lot of time taking toys from one place to another, and she always sleeps with her favourite brown teddy. :-)

Fleur is perfect in the house, very clean and has never had any toileting issues (to be honest we never really had to toilet train her- she simply did it all herself :-)
We offleashed her the first time in a secure area and she recalled to us - she is very eager to please and does not want to get into trouble. She is very trainable and very well behaved.

A few pictures of our new foster greyhound Fleur :-)
She arrived on Thursday last week and has already made herself at home !
We call her The Blonde - she is very pretty and a typical blonde :-) Her racing name was "Thrilling Fleur" but it should have been "Playboy Bunny" :-)
She LOVES her toys, she keeps rearranging them between beds in the lounge , and her crate. She spends quite a lot of time taking toys from one place to another, and she always sleeps with her favourite brown teddy. :-)

Fleur is perfect in the house, very clean and has never had any toileting issues (to be honest we never really had to toilet train her- she simply did it all herself :-)
We offleashed her the first time in a secure area and she recalled to us - she is very eager to please and does not want to get into trouble. She is very trainable and very well behaved.

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